Happily Ever After: Picking the Perfect Dress

Thought for the Day: “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” – John 15:12

Last March I was able to travel home to spend Spring Break with my family. During that week we did A LOT of wedding planning including picking the perfect dress. I wasn’t able to share these pictures before the wedding and I kind of forgot about them. But finally, here they are…

We went to Davids Bridal just to “try on” and “get an idea of what’s available” so naturally I “fell in love” and “said yes to the dress”. My mom, Austin’s mom, and my sisters went to help me pick my dress and the bridesmaids dresses. I tried on quite a few but when I put this one on everybody was convinced that it was the one I needed to wear. I tried on more just to be sure but we kept going back to this one. When the sales lady placed the veil on my head I too knew that this was the one. It was then time to pick the bridesmaids dresses. They asked me if I wanted to change back into my clothes and I said no, so I spent the rest of the shopping trip in the dress. It was very fun!


DSCN5363To see more pictures of the dress and our wedding click here.